Selasa, 05 November 2013

Interpreting Service Plan

We are now preparing quotation as per your need for English Indonesia "Simultaneous" Interpreter. But it would be more accurate if you could also confirm the following:
1 -   You do not require English Indonesia "consecutive" interpreter
2 -   Provide topics to be interpreted in advance (HRD, specific Engineering etc.)
3 -   Would the Speaker(s) speaks in English and having Indonesian speaking audience
4 - Would there be more than just Indonesian speaking Audience (how many head set do you need)
5 -   Would there be any Q & A Session (or interpreting questions from the audience)

For conference, would require wireless head set (minimum of 30 units), Transmitter and Sound-proof interpreting booth.

Lodging & Meals for personnel
To simplify calculation, we suggest you to provide for these facilities

Transport for personnel & equipment
Do we have to calculate transportation (Air ticket & land transportation) for the interpreter & Mechanics and (Air Cargo + land transportation) for the equipment (headsets + Sound-proof booth), we need detail distance etc. or would you arrange for all these.

Better still, if you have capability to build simple sound-proof booth (we could provide drawing & dimension).

We are professional service provider we allow you to have an interview by phone (if necessary) and will be responsible for back up head sets and interpreter.

Unless you could clarify / provide above mentioned data, I would only be able to send you a general Quotation - where it would still need be clarified afterwards.

We are willing have phone call discussion or face to face meeting, if you think it would help you. Please do not hesitate to inform us accordingly

Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

transkripsi video

Melalui transkripsi video, transcribers menangkap semua percakapan di sebuah acara film atau TV dengan akurasi termasuk efek suara visual. Hal ini membantu penonton sepanjang dunia untuk mengikuti percakapan dengan benar. Pertama kali ketika Anda menonton pertunjukan film atau TV, Anda mungkin tidak dapat mengikuti percakapan tajam karena berbagai alasan. Tapi Transcriber video dapat menangkap semua percakapan akurat. Bahkan suara latar belakang dari sebuah acara TV atau film dapat ditranskripsi menggunakan transkripsi video. Sebagai contoh-visual dari gonggongan anjing dapat ditranskripsi sebagai 'anjing menggonggong', ini membantu orang tuli yang tidak akan dapat mengikuti efek suara atau percakapan yang terjadi di media visual.
Hal ini membantu orang yang mengalami kesulitan menonton format audiovisual acara TV atau film dan kebutuhan untuk membaca transkripsi video untuk memahami konten yang lebih baik.

Mengapa perlu transkripsi video? Video transkripsi melayani berbagai tujuan seperti-Produsen paling sering rangka transkrip profesional untuk memenuhi persyaratan penyampaian ketat dari jaringan yang akan ditayangkan program mereka. Juga transkrip berfungsi sebagai catatan tertulis yang akurat dari isi suatu acara termasuk dialog, identifikasi pembicara, referensi kode waktu dan di mana diperlukan kerja kamera. Ini transkrip video juga digunakan oleh para profesional bahasa kustomisasi sementara menerjemahkan isi sebuah program ke dalam bahasa lain.

Video dari iklan, lagu, film, wawancara, serial Televisi, film, pendidikan akademik dan pelatihan ditranskripsi untuk berbagai tujuan. Transkripsi dari file-file video yang berguna untuk organisasi, sekolah, perusahaan media, universitas. Digital format video sangat nyaman, biaya efektif dan mudah digunakan. Format digital seperti mp4, WMV, Real media, waktu cepat membawa keuntungan yang lebih besar dalam merekam dan menyimpan data, yang lebih digunakan oleh pod kastor, kastor web dan pencipta video independen. Transkripsi dari format video digital yang sangat berguna untuk optimasi mesin pencari untuk kastor polong, kastor web dan transkrip video yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk para kreator video independen, media dan perusahaan produksi.

Dengan memiliki video Anda upload yang ditranskripsi dan transkrip ke YouTube, Anda memberi Google informasi spesifik tentang konten video Anda. Ketika seseorang mencari frase yang disebutkan dalam video, Google akan dapat memasukkan video Anda di hasil pencarian dan bahkan dapat mulai bermain video pada titik di mana frase pencarian yang digunakan.

Jaringan televisi, produsen independen, organisasi pendidikan dan perusahaan multimedia memerlukan video mereka untuk menjadi ditranskripsi sangat sering.

Proses ini sangat membutuhkan profesionalisme untuk tingkat yang sangat tinggi. Konversi dari file video ke dalam transkrip dibaca harus dilakukan oleh profesional yang berkualifikasi tinggi transcriptionist.

Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

Interpreter guidance

GENERAL GUIDANCE FOR INTERPRETER IN LAW ENFORCEMENT INSTITUTIONS In support the need of Interpreting (verbal translation) services, especially to meet legal requirement for non Indonesian citizen related to Law Enforcement in Indonesian jurisdiction; there has been a mutual understanding between Registered Legal Entity in providing Certified & Authorized Translation Service and several institutions such as Regional Police Metro Jakarta, , District Attorney Office, KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission) and District Courts. We CV Anindyatrans ensure ability and accuracy of Interpreting service, by examining Biodata of each and every interpreter proposed to above listed institutions. And keep all references them as record. Ensure to provide fair service at fair rate for those who require interpreting services. Issue Letter of Assignment for each Interpreter being assigned to mentioned institutions and other related agencies. And responsible for interpreting service being delivered by interpreter, and if deem necessary, interpreter shall be take an oath to perform interpreting correctly and sign at the Minutes of Examination / Investigation Report. Among other thing Interpreters a. Shall only interpret every word/sentence being said, stated by the party being interpreted. Shall NOT giving opinions, including but not limited to comments of questions being asked by investigators / law enforcement officers.
NOTE : Repeated questions by the investigators are probably their strategy to obtain the truth. Interpreters shall only keep repeating same questions. Do their best to avoid summarizing answer, except when is required by officers. And shall not discuss other topic other than question being asked by the officer, minimize, limit or restrict social / personal conversation during investigation. Shall NOT involved into legal case being examine / investigated. Proper attired as formal dress. It has been agreed by all related parties and implemented in above listed institution and shall be further discussed and defined for broader implementation.